POSH – Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace not only traumatizes the women workforce in the organization but also dents its goodwill and image thus making difficult to attract new talent and retain the existing one thus adversely affecting the productivity and profitability. The Indian Law, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 lays down certain mandatory provisions for all enterprises having 10 or more employees to address this crucial issue.

Our team of experts on the subject makes the organizations compliant with them through the process of formulating internal policies, constituting Internal Committees (ICs), conducting orientation and sensitization workshops/training sessions and assessment and reporting mechanism reducing the burden of the HR Department. We are the first to have developed an Online Training Platform where each and every employee is involved through controlled access to customized training modules on Moodle Cloud. Our simulated scenarios help the participants of these online training sessions to assess the problems faced by them and suggested solutions for the same. These experts are duly recognized and empaneled with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.